
in Space

Here is always very crowded. SL user all over
the world gathers.icon16  I was able to do the
teleport today and was lucky.icon12
in Space
in Space

Talking with your friend here is enjoyment.face01
in Space

I love space walk that is called 'ZERO G'. icon06
in Space
in Space
in Space

You can enjoy dance, tai chi, and meditation
here.face02 You and your partner will be able to
spend intimate time here. face05icon06
in Space

I slide the foot, and have fallen into the sea. icon10
The paradise in the beautiful ocean has
extended there. The medusa was very lovely. icon06
in Space

Chair and seat for couple, Slow dance,
Tai chi, Meditation, and Space walkicon24icon24


同じカテゴリー(Second Life Album)の記事画像
英語漬けの日々영어 담그어의 날들
DATE: in Apollo
DATE・アフリカ 아프리카 SIM
DATE: ゴッホ美術館 고호 미술관
DATE: チベット仏教寺院 티벳 사원
同じカテゴリー(Second Life Album)の記事
 英語漬けの日々영어 담그어의 날들 (2009-05-25 00:00)
 22ヶ国語翻訳機 (2008-09-09 20:19)
 DATE: in Apollo (2008-09-01 00:01)
 数字で見るSecond Life (2008-07-20 00:00)
 DATE・アフリカ 아프리카 SIM (2008-07-07 00:00)
 DATE: ゴッホ美術館 고호 미술관 (2008-06-28 00:00)

Posted by tara at 00:01│Comments(0)Second Life Album